Press Releases for r4i 3ds

  • 651

    Is There An R4 Ds Card For The Nintendo 3DS Console?

    The Nintendo 3DS promises 3D Gaming in your pocket without any need for 3D glasses... And it delivers. Something that seemed virtually impossible to do since the invention of 3D movies, is now possible. Yet again, Nintendo delivers a very unique and never seen before feature in their newest game console.

    By : | 01-01-2012 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 651

  • 743

    3DS V3.0.0-6 locked flashcards buy r4 3ds break

    Nintendo 3DS system updated to V3.0.0-6, many flashcards are locked, but the r4 3ds and r4i 3ds card break it successfully.

    By : | 12-27-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 743

  • 929

    R4 3DS and R4i 3DS card join Nintendo jailbreak

    R4 3DS card is made by, it is also called R4i SDHC 3DS card. R4i 3DS card is made by, it is also called R4i Gold 3DS card.

    By : | 10-20-2011 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 929

  • 620

    Wood R4 Kernel upgrade to Wood R4 V1.36

    New Wood R4 V1.36 kernel is released on August 23th. It is the latest software for R4 3DS and R4i 3DS card. Wood R4 is a most famous software in flashcard world, it offers very good compatibility, and update very fast.

    By : | 08-27-2011 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 620

  • 729

    What is R4i 3DS - R4i 3DS card review

    R4i 3DS is a slot-1 flashcard, wich is special designed for Nintendo 3DS console. It enable you to enjoy games and multi-media functions on a Nintendo console.

    By : | 08-16-2011 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 729